is a substance use resource that's completely free. We are committed to helping families and addicts find quality substance use information and treatment resources. We feature qualified professionals who work with us, and our drug rehab specialists are available 24/7 at no cost to answer questions, or direct individuals struggling with addiction to treatment options.
Dependency & Addiction Among Seniors
For many people, the elderly are the last group that they'd imagine would be dealing with issues involving alcohol and drugs. Unfortunately,new data indicates that the number of senior citizens with drug problems is on the rise for a variety of complicated reasons.
Learn more at
Residential & Outpatient Drug Rehab Center & Alcohol Detox Program Program in
Indianapolis, Indiana.
Over 100,000 Americans have died of a drug overdose during the pandemic, and so we created this website with a clear mission - we want to save lives.
Opioid Withdrawal & Detox Resource
Recovering Champions is a comprehensive drug & alcohol treatment program in Massachusetts specializing in substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.
After rigorous vetting, we’re excited to share with you our compiled a list of the best detox, alcohol, and drug rehab centers in Minnesota. Here’s the list:
Alcohol Rehab Help is an informational web guide created for people struggling with alcohol use disorders (AUD) and co-occurring mental health disorders. Not only do we offer information on Alcohol Use Disorder, but we also have comprehensive information regarding treatment options.
You can view Alcohol Rehab Help yourself at:
Our Free Rehab Guide provides statistics on addiction and explains how to find free rehab centers.
Our Free Virtual Support Meetings allow individuals to join 12-step AA/NA meetings that are hosted weekly by a person in recovery.
Our Alcohol & Drug Addiction Hotlines resource provides valuable information on what happens when an individual calls a hotline.
Visit website launched as the premier health and wellness organization. We are devoted to empowering people to take control of their lives by providing the information they need to make informed decisions about their health. Created by collective of health experts and consumer advocates, is dedicated to providing information based on fact-based, in-depth research and trends on health living. As the leading source of information for mental health, cutting-edge nutrition, and more, is your gateway to reaching the level of health and wellness that is best for you.
Download the informational guide regarding addiction., a website dedicated to providing information regarding addiction and substance abuse through a vast range of different medically reviewed articles. Learn more at focuses on providing information surrounding alcohol abuse and support for families and communities struggling with these issues.
Addiction Treatment Division is an organization that helps vulnerable individuals, who are addicted to drugs or alcohol, locate proper treatment options. Alcoholism and drug addiction are terrible cases affecting all ages in our communities – from teenagers to senior citizens. Finding treatment facilities that can understand the underlying cause of the addiction, and that can cure an individual to prevent any relapse, is often a very hard task. This is where we come in. We help those in the greatest need to find addiction treatment options that are best for each situation. Our services are 100% free and we cover all 50 states.
Been away a while? We're glad your back! We invite you to discover what makes SJTW uniquely Catholic.
How can we help you? Prefer to talk to a person?
Call the HelpLine at 1-888-711-1151.
Sales of alcohol have been spiking and trends of substance use are on the rise, including relapse. Since awareness makes all the difference, We want to familiarize these relevant topics in such uncertain times. Alcohol Rehab Guide is not a treatment center; we are a public web guide sharing information on alcohol, addiction, and recovery. In light of uncertainty and stress, talks about implications of substance use during the pandemic.
The Community Outreach department at Rehab 4 Addiction which serves as an online resource to individuals and families dealing with substance abuse.
We are offering educational guides to help increase awareness and understanding of all aspects of coping with the stress of bereavment and the lockdown. With the current COVID-19 pandemic, many people who live with depression are struggling to stay afloat during self or mandated isolation.
Our hope is that this resource can be one of many stepping stones for those struggling and their loved ones to better understand their situation and lead them to find a safe and supportive environment, especially during these times.
Check out a useful guide about improving mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic. at
Can COVID-19 help us find a deeper truth? Is there a way to see this crisis— acknowledging all the pain and suffering that comes with it—as a path to rediscovering our interconnectedness?
This time of uncertainty has been challenging for many people, and so we've created a free 20-video series featuring each of our five faculty speaking on the pandemic. Watch as Richard Rohr, Cynthia Bourgeault, Brian McLaren, Barbara Holmes, and James Finley share what this moment has to teach us, relevant practices, and the contemplative wisdom to be found in death.
Enjoy listening to retreat presenters Debbie and Steve Koop explore Abundant Life in the middle of the Pandemic
(About 30 minutes of audio to download or just listen to on your computer or phone).
Also - the Friars and our Music Minister combine to offer you a guided prayer experience from the Chapel of Franciscan Retreats and Spiritulity Center. Hit this link and click on Night Prayer Experience #1
We have recordings from this year's events!
Topics include, and are not limited to:
and more (current and past year's)
All archived presentations require a registration that will immediately provide you with a link to hear or see the selected presentation. Additionally, an email will be sent with the same link so you can start and stop at your leisure. Make sure your email is entered correctly!
Not all events are available.
Although we are uncertain what the future holds for public events, please know that we continue planning for the 2020-2021 Theology Day series and hope to see you soon.
Visit Online Archives
Here is a resource to share--for you to stay grounded and fortified in FAITH this week. Check out the website. There is great information. I particularly liked the opportunities in the article called "Keeping the Faith During the Time of Coronavirus" -- Katie McCarty
Online Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
English-speaking, Skype-based online Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.
Online Narcotics Anonymous Meetings
Worldwide, multi-platform list of online Narcotics Anonymous meetings.
Online Support Groups from National Alliance on Mental Illness
All groups offered via Zoom: Family Support Groups, Partners & Spouses Support Groups, Parent Resource Groups, Young Adult NAMI Connection, LGBT + Connections Support Group, NAMI Open Door Anxiety and Panic Support Groups, NAMI Connection.
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CROSS Services
How can we help you? Prefer to talk to a person?
Call the HelpLine at 1-888-711-1151.