President: Elynn Welle
Co-Secretary: Shanna Dunne and Susan Mack
Treasurer: Julie Fischer
Trustees: Nicole Fischer and Terri Kavanaugh
Elynn Welle
Email Elynn
The Lady Knights recently held their annual Fleece Blanket-tying Extravaganza and completed 30+ beautiful baby and youth-sized blankets. The blankets have been distributed to crisis pregnancy centers in the area. A big thank you goes to all who donated blankets or came to tie with us!
The Lady Knights want to thank all of the blessed people who purchased flowers for our Mother’s Day flower sale. We sold everything spreading the “Thanks Mom for Life” message! We raised $715.25 which will be divided and given to Anoka Women’s Center and Crystal Women’s Center to use in their help to families with troubled pregnancies and assistance. Thanks so very much in supporting this ProLife event!
Outreach ministries continue to expand here at the parish. With the addition of serving at Caring and Sharing Hands, Mobile Hope, and Haven for Heroes, additional refrigerated storage is necessary. Thanks to the generosity of our KC Ladies Auxiliary for gifting our parish with this new commercial refrigerator. We appreciate your ministry in our parish and the support you give to all of our outreach efforts. How very cool (get it?)!
This past Saturday, SJTW Lady KCs participated in the Robbinsdale Women’s Center Walk/Ride for Life Event. It was a fun, family-friendly event with an easy 2-mile walk or bike ride, beautiful scenery, prizes, bagged lunches and activities for kids.
Thank you Lady Knights for your commitment to life!
Mary McCullough, Sandy Gervais and Nancy Berg
Patty Kenaley, Sandy Gervais, Elynn Welle. Mary McCullough, Nancy Senst, Jen Kenaley
An apron is just a cape on backwards! Our parishioners who help out in the kitchen may not look like superheroes - but they do now!
In an effort to foster our already welcoming atmosphere and provide visibility for those serving not only our parish family, but visitors and guests to our activities, the Lady Knights have provided funds for the purchase of new aprons to be used when serving at parish events. These may include (but are not limited to) social/hospitality after masses, funeral luncheons, Ladies Auxiliary and Knights activities.
The aprons are available in the kitchen storage room for your use. Please return them after use and if soiled, place in the laundry bag provided. Thank you!
Congratulations to this year's Lady Knight Auxilian of the Year, Nicole Fischer. Our Auxilian’s dedication to our Lord is clearly visible through her ongoing commitment to serving others. She models her faith and love for family in all her volunteer efforts.
Please join the SJTW Ladies Auxiliary in congratulating Terri Kavanaugh on receiving the State Auxilian of the Year award for 2020. We are very grateful to have Terri as part of our group and wanted to say thank you and keep up the good work.
Please join the Ladies Auxiliary in honoring this year's State Auxilian of the Year, our very own Mary Hand.
Mary has been a Lady Knight for the past 6 years and has served as the Treasurer for the past 2 years, volunteering to hold the seat for an additional 2 years. She is a very active member who volunteers in so many ways. Mary is co-chair for the Used Book Sale, an active Angel Quilter, she helps tie fleece blankets for Pro-Life organizations, is an active participant in our Mother's Day flower sale and our Fall Country Store along with so much more. Not only is Mary active in the parish but she finds many ways to help out in her community as well. Please join our Auxiliary in congratulating Mary and thanking her for all of her hard work and dedication to serving others! Thank you Mary for all you do!
St. Joseph the Worker Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
The SJTW Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary was organized in 2007. The Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary would love you to join them; today is a great day to become an Auxilian!
To learn the part you can play in our active and growing Council of Practical Catholics, please contact President Terri Kavanaugh at: 763-486-0267 or
The Minnesota State Auxiliary was formed in 1970. Membership generally consists of wives, widows, unmarried adult daughters of the Knights in good standing. Any Catholic woman who will support and uphold the ideals of the Knights of Columbus may join.
Dues and fundraisers vary from year to year, depending upon what the individual Auxiliaries determine they need to support their activities.
Knights of Columbus Ladies Auxiliary
St. Joseph the Worker, Maple Grove
Council 13359
Organized: 2007
Membership: 38, +2 members vs. YAG
Annual Dues: $15.00
Meetings: Second Monday of each Month, August through May @ 7 PM
Officer Roster:
President Elynn Welle
Secretary Sandra Gervais
Treasurer Julie Fischer
Trustees: Nicole Fischer and Terri Kavanaugh
Below please find annual activities and highlights for each:
August: KC/Auxiliary sponsors a BBQ for Families Moving Forward as part of their 10 day stay at our parish each summer.
September: We help set-up and serve parishioners at the parish potluck following the September outdoor mass (second Sunday each September).
October: We assist the Knights in hosting four pancake and sausage breakfasts, the first which occurs this month. We also throw a “Respect Life” baby shower at our parish to encourage financial and clothing/baby supplies donations for area Pro-Life agencies. These charitable agencies include Abria and Womensource.
November: This is the month of our largest fundraiser: the Fall Country Store. Each of our members prepares homemade baked goods or handcrafted items for sale. One of the best-selling items is our very own Fr. Mike Sullivan’s jellies and jams. This past year he made 292 jars throughout the summer using donated fruit, sugar and jars which generated $1428 of our over $3500 proceeds for charity. We are discussing how we might change this event for future for even better sales results on the non-edible handcrafted items.
December: As we prepare for Christ’s birth, we also take a little time to reflect on the past year and celebrate organizational accomplishments with the Knights. We have an appetizer and beverage party, and follow it with a fun-filled white-elephant gift exchange.
January: Our activity this month focuses on the making of double-sided & tied fleece blankets. Each year 25-30 blankets are made and donated to various local pro-life organizations such as Abria and Womensource.
February: Each Valentine’s Day season, we enjoy taking our two priests, Fr. Mike Sullivan and Fr. Don Piche’, out for dinner. We enjoy treating them for all they do year-round for our parish. One of the best parts is during dessert, when we open up the floor to ask questions and gain their perspective. We all learn something new and get better acquainted – a fun time for all!
The next series of events were planned but are not happening in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. They are listed as part of our future operations and will be resumed when possible.
March: During Lent, the Knights sponsor two well attended Friday night fish fries. The Ladies Auxiliary seat and serve patrons at this free-will-offering community event, followed by Stations of the Cross.
April: The annual used book sale for CROSS occurs, where in past we have generated up to $1620 for CROSS food shelf. Thousands of books are donated, enough to raise this sum yet still donate surplus crates of books to Bibles for Missions, CROSS and other outlets. At this event we also distribute plastic Easter eggs (with a bible message, Easter sticker and candy) for parish children, and serve the fourth and last seasonal Pancake & Sausage Breakfast! In addition to participating in the Annual State Auxiliary Convention at the end of April, our Auxiliary works with our Knights in providing table decorations for a Steak Dinner complete with raffle and silent auction.
May: Every May we enjoy making Mother’s Day corsages and floral arrangements and selling them before and after each weekend Mass. All proceeds benefit area Pro Life organizations (Abria, Womensource).
This past year our Auxiliary donated over $7358.94 to many area charities including the SJTW Christmas Outreach, SJTW Helping Hands Fund, Womensource, Abria, CROSS, our sister parish in Bouzy, Haiti, and the MN KC Auxiliary to name a few.
Our group volunteer hours were our highest yet at 7848.5, an increase of over 1000 hours vs. last year! We have added two people to our organization this past year and are grateful for continued growth. We hope you will consider joining our active group! Please contact Terri Kavanaugh (763-486-0267) or for further information.
Adriana Soto-Vaca – States Auxilian of the Year
An Open Invitation to join the Ladies Auxiliary
The Knights of Columbus and Ladies Auxiliary are one of the most active charitable organizations in the United States. Our council at SJTW is growing and actively seeking to be the Change and Be Christ in our parish and community. Will you join us? We invite you to join the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world, changing and saving lives.
Meetings are held at the discretion of the local Auxiliary and prayer is encouraged at all meetings. The State hosts two meetings a year; the second Saturday of October (Workshop) and the fourth Saturday of April (Convention).
Some key words to describe the group are:
Interested in learning more? Visit this page.