Families with children in second grade (or older) are eligible to celebrate First Reconciliation and First Eucharist. First Reconciliation preparation begins in early October and the celebration of the Sacrament will occur in November. First Eucharist Preparation will begin late January and the celebration of the Sacrament will occur on specific weekends after Easter at a variety of Mass times.
Registration to receive both these Sacraments occurs when families register their children for Faith Formation classes. Children who prepare and celebrate these Sacraments must be enrolled in on-site Faith Formation classes or enrolled in an accredited Catholic school. Students must be enrolled in Faith Formation classes at least a year prior to celebrating the Sacrament (i.e. to have your child celebrate these sacraments in second grade, they need to be enrolled in Faith Formation classes for first grade).
Sacramental preparation begins with registration. A parent meeting will be held for parents to receive information about the sacrament. Materials will be provided for the parent and children to complete together at home to enrich the child’s understanding and readiness to receive the sacrament. Parent/Child workshops/learning centers are held for both sacraments in which parents and children can experience hands on activities to provide a fuller understanding of the sacrament; Fr. Mike will meet with the children and parents through group events to help the children understand and be prepared for receiving the sacraments.
If you have any questions or would like more information regarding children’s sacramental preparation or about our Faith Formation programs, please contact Monica Liebl, Director of Faith Formation Grades 1-8 and Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist at monical@sjtw.net or 763-400-7214.