We have immediate needs for Catechists for our upcoming year. Our specific needs are as follows:
Sunday School
2 Co-Catechists for our 8:30 a.m. 4-year-old class
Catechist Aide for our 8:30 a.m. 5/Kindergarten class
Tuesday 5:15 p.m. classes
3rd Grade Co-Catechist
5th Grade 2 Co-Catechists
Hall Monitor
Wednesday 5:15 p.m.
1st Grade 2 Co-Catechists
3rd Grade 2 Co-Catechists
4th Grade 1 Co-Catechist
5th Grade 3 Co-Catechists
6th Grade 3 Co-Catechists
Wednesday 6:45 p.m.
3rd Grade Catechist
6th Grade Co-Catechist
Junior High
8th Grade Co-Catechist
High School
9th and 10th Grade Co-Leaders
Materials and lessons are provided and easy to follow - we just need leaders who are willing to engage with our youth and foster their growth. Please contact the Faith Formation staff with any questions.
For questions regarding Sunday School, 3-year-olds through Kindergarten contact Megan Manzke, megan@sjtw.net.
For questions regarding Grades 1-8 or First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, please contact Monica Liebl, monical@sjtw.net.
For questions regarding Grades 9-11 or Confirmation, please contact Scott Kieffer, scott@sjtw.net.
Are you interested in getting involved at SJTW? Do you enjoy sharing your faith with others? If so, we invite you to consider volunteering as a Catechist, Catechist Aide, Hall Monitor, or Office Assistant for our Faith Formation classes.
Our program runs from mid-September to April and encompasses various age groups. We have opportunities to assist with our Sunday School program, serving children aged 3-5 during the 8:30 am and 10:30 am Masses. Additionally, we offer programs for Elementary students (grades 1-6), Junior High students (grades 7-8), and our High School program, OneWith, serves students in grades 9-11. We provide comprehensive lesson plans and materials for your convenience.
If you are interested in volunteering or for more information, please contact our Faith Formation office.